Alpha Phi Omega is a co-ed service fraternity dedicated to the principles of leadership, friendship, and service. It is the single most represented intercollegiate service organization in the United States, with the fraternity currently having over 400,000 members worldwide across 375 campuses. The Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega is founded in 1938 at New York University and rechartered in 1992. Derived from the principles of the Scout Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of America, Alpha Phi Omega fraternity aims to provide opportunities for college students to develop leadership, friendship, and provide service to humanity.
This past year we achieved

Service Hours

Active Brothers

New Members
Welcome to the Beta Iota chapter of Alpha Phi Omega at New York University!
However you found your way to our website, I'm glad you're here. As you explore our website, I hope that you will see that we are more than just a brotherhood - we are a family. That's what these past 2 years have shown me because for me, like many others, Beta Iota was a second home with a chosen family. From learning how to navigate through college to forming unexpected friendships, I can think of no other community that does what Alpha Phi Omega has done for me.
As I prepare to graduate from NYU, I would like to thank all the brothers and advisors who have helped shape my journey here at the Beta Iota chapter. I am incredibly proud of us and our achievements and I could not have done it without any of you. Being a part of this chapter has fundamentally changed who I am as a person and I am honored to have served the Beta Iota community.
With our reputation and potential to grow and thrive, I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for chapter and Alpha Phi Omega as a whole. As a proud member of APO, I’m excited to see new members interact and join the old brothers in the activities we host and the family we have become. They say home is not a place, it is a people. For what Beta Iota has done for me, I have been honored to lead the people who have made me feel so welcome in a home away from home.
Whether you are a potential member of our Chapter, a fellow brother of another Chapter, or someone who stumbled upon our website, I appreciate your interest in our Chapter. I hope that you too can learn what it means to be a leader, be a friend, and be of service.
David *Amögus* Lin
President, Beta Iota Chapter | Alpha Phi Omega | New York University